Don’t let perfection stand in the way of progress

Do you love language? So many words feel like they sound for example delizioso, which is delicious in Italian. I love that word. I love Italian! Everything sounds good which is why I am learning it on the duolingo app.

Schools out and so was I
One human being was harmed in the writing of this blog. Me. My hangover isn’t that bad. I’m tired but not sick. No headache. However, my emotional and mental state feels like I’ve done 8 rounds in the ring with Mohammad Ali.

I have been wanting to focus more on my meditation teaching - finish writing my training courses, teach more classes, find a way to get my meditation for children into the school system. I’ve been thinking about what’s blocking me, is it the fear of failure? Of being judged - being labelled weird, stupid, boring. Is it because my entire life I’ve always left things until the last minute?

My life and journey to meditation have not been linear but I think it’s the twists and turns along the way have given me a unique perspective on teaching meditation

Deepak chopra
Do you love language? So many words feel like they sound for example delizioso, which is delicious in Italian. I love that word. I love Italian! Everything sounds good which is why I am learning it on the duolingo app.