Do you love language? So many words feel like they sound for example delizioso, which is delicious in Italian. I love that word. I love Italian! Everything sounds good which is why I am learning it on the duolingo app.

Free is a great word. You can have something which is free of charge, get in to a place free, be free. FEEL FREE! Its often sung or at least said with more volume.

Yes! Im free! Lets do it! Woohoo!! … kind of thing.

Then there are words with double meanings depending on context. It was a swell affair, as in ‘great party’.

Extra marital affair. Not so swell.

You can turn on the light, be a light or feel light! To me, the word ‘heavy feels heavy.

Translucent is a word that feel and sounds like it means … allowing light to pass through diffusely.

‘Transact’ is to conduct business but it could be a drag show? That would be Trans Act.

Transcontinental is another word that feels like it should be sung, in a musical, perhaps a trans act starring my friend Trevor Ashley.

Transformation is a great word that could go with …. transcend! Transcend means to rise above, exceed or go beyond

I am transcending … My fears. My self doubt. My debt.

Meditation can bring transcending moments just by being present in the moment. You can transcend the ego.

Meditation is transformational.

Meditation is the new medication.

I can become so present in meditation I can become lost in translation!

Bill Murray is there and I am transfixed!

I choose transformation. I choose to transcend.

Up, up and away.

Love, Zoe.

PS. I thought LOL was “Lots of Love” before I found out ‘lol’ was actually “laugh out loud”. The joke was on me haha.

Don’t ask me about POV! I know what it means but I don’t really get the way its used. All the time.

Just my point of view.


Don’t let perfection stand in the way of progress


Schools out and so was I